Webster University in St. Louis

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Emerson Library Conference Room & WebEx Free Event
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Writing a U.S. Style ResumeCareer Series for International StudentsThursday, January 30th1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Conference Room - Emerson LibraryEmerson Library 101 Edgar Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63119 WorkshopWhile you may have written a resume or CV before in your home country, countries often have different norms and standards for application materials.

Today’s 1-hour workshop will teach participants how to write a U.S. Style Resume.

Participants will understand key resume development strategies, identify formatting standards, discover appropriate content to include on their resume,

and learn how to write strong bullet points.

Students may choose to attend this workshop either in person or via WebEx, which requires a separate registration.

For those attending via WebEx, log into Handshake and select the “RSVP for Event” button to access and complete the WebEx registration form.

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