Webster University in St. Louis

Webster University: Worldwide Events
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Date: Thursday, May 27th 2021

Time: 16:00 (4pm CEST)

Online Event: Click HERE to join us (Zoom link) 


The Coronavirus pandemic has influenced deeply our lives and works. Most of our activities, professional and personal, have moved online. How much has the pandemic impacted the e-commerce image production? How is it possible to be a leader company in this field in the age of COVID-19? Francesco Arese Visconti, Head of the Media Communications and Photography Department of Webster University Geneva, will discuss these points with Marc González Lliberia, Founder and CEO of Fotoempresas Photo Studio SL, leader company in e-commerce image production.



Marc González Lliberia is the founder & CEO of Fotoempresas Photo Studio SL, leader company in e-commerce image production


While this is a free and public event, we kindly ask that you register HERE



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