Webster University in St. Louis

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Winifred Moore Auditorium View map $8 for the general public; $7 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools; $6 for Webster University staff and faculty; $0 for Webster students with proper ID

470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119

https://www.webster.edu/film-series/ #filmseries
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(Bertrand Mandico, 2017, France, 110 minutes)


Our February 1 experimental film program claims the wide influence of the films it contains, and said influence is on full display in The Wild Boys, French filmmaker Bertrand Mandico’s debut feature, here making its belated St. Louis theatrical debut. Shot on 16mm (though running from DCP), The Wild Boys follows a band of five troublemaking adolescent boys (all of whom are played by actresses), who as punishment for a crime are put on a boat with a captain bent on reforming them. Instead, they shipwreck on a supernatural island and begin to transform.


In French with English subtitles.

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  • Morgan Rapplean

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