Webster University in St. Louis

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Winifred Moore Auditorium View map $8 for the general public; $7 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools; $6 for Webster University staff and faculty; $0 for Webster students with proper ID

470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119

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(Jim Jarmusch, 1984, USA, 1 hour 29 minutes)


Screening in 35mm!


A key early shot fired in the American independent cinema boom of the 80s and 90s, Jim Jarmusch’s endlessly cool Stranger Than Paradise is a terrific example of how much you can do with very little. (Talent and style, at least, are not in short supply here.) We follow Willie (erstwhile musician John Lurie, of The Lounge Lizards) and his friend Eddie (Richard Edson, a drummer for Sonic Youth in their early days) as they hang out in Brooklyn, soon to be joined by Willie’s Hungarian cousin, Eva (musician and actress Eszter Balint). Shot in black and white and with each scene comprised of a single long take, Stranger Than Paradise’s fingerprints can be found all over that which came after, not least of which its often emulated, never replicated deadpan sense of humor.

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