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101 Edgar Road, 63119

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The annual Gentry Lecture hosted by the Centre Francophone welcomes Dr. Tangi Villerbu for his lecture,  "French Migrants, the confluence, and the Atlantic world : Missouri, 1789-1861."


Wednesday, Feb. 13,  2019 
5 p.m.
Webster University Library
Conference Room #120
801 Edgar Road
Webster Groves, MO


Tangi Villerbu is professor of history at the University of La Rochelle, France. He has worked on the Mississippi Valley from 1770 to 1860 by integrating Missouri into the Atlantic history.


This lecture proposes to reconfigure Missouri's French history by contextualizing three waves of French migration. Each time, Missouri can be understood as part of the Atlantic world's many histories: revolutions, nations, capitalism, all can be observed through the lives and settlement of French migrations.

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