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A public talk by Prof. Anna Abraham, Leeds Beckett University, UK, part of the Creativity and Innovation Lecture Series organized by the Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation (WCCI).

8 November 2018

18:15 – 19:00 (followed by a small reception)

LLC Commons Room

This is a free event.

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For scholars seeking to understand creativity in relation to brain structure and function, the first step is to determine which empirical approach to adopt. The choices are actually exceedingly vast. The dominant approach views creativity as a unitary and domain-general construct. Alternative approaches vary in their focus. Some take on a multidimensional view of creativity in evaluating diverse creative mental operations. Others seek to identify variables that are crucial for domain-specific creativity. This lecture explores how the chosen path of investigation necessarily impacts wider conceptualizations of the creative brain, and why we need to be aware of these issues.

Anna Abraham is a Professor of Psychology at the School of Social Sciences in Leeds Beckett University. She investigates the neurocognitive basis of creativity and other aspects of the human imagination including the reality-fiction distinction, mental time travel, self-referential thinking, and mental state reasoning. Her educational background is in the disciplines of psychology and neuroscience, and she has studied and worked in several academic institutions across the world. She is the author of the upcoming book The Neuroscience of Creativity with Cambridge University Press. For more information, please visit her webpage: http://www.anna-abraham.com/.

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