Webster University in St. Louis

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Winifred Moore Auditorium View map $8 for the general public; $7 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools; $6 for Webster University staff and faculty; $0 for Webster students with proper ID

470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119

https://www.webster.edu/film-series/ #filmseries
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(dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, 2014, Denmark, 104 minutes)


A companion piece to 2012’s The Act of Killing, The Look of Silence is very nearly as strong as that incredible work. Through the interviews conducted for The Act of Killing, an Indonesian family still reeling from the loss of their son in the 1965-66 genocide learns how he was murdered and who specifically perpetrated it. The victim’s youngest brother, Adi, is working as an optometrist, and Oppenheimer films him as he takes the opportunity of testing his brother’s murderer’s eyesight to confront him about his role in the atrocities and ask him to take responsibility for what he’s done.


In Indonesian with English subtitles.

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