Webster University in St. Louis

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Winifred Moore Auditorium View map $8 for the general public; $7 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools; $6 for Webster University staff and faculty; $0 for Webster students with proper ID

470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119

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(Michael Schaack, 1994, Germany, 82 minutes)


New 4K restoration!


Remember how in the late 80s and early 90s some Garfield TV specials went surprisingly genre-based (Babes & Bullets, Feline Fantasies, Garfield: His Nine Lives)? One can imagine German director Michael Schaack being all, “hold my beer,” and making the feature-length Felidae, a quite dark noir / murder mystery / horror film starring a cast of animated cats. Long a legendary film in certain circles, and never officially released in the United States before now, Felidae follows a duo of cat sleuths, Francis and Blaubart, as they seek to solve a series of killings among domestic cats that stretch back decades. Theme song by Boy George. (Leave the kids at home for this one.)


In German with English subtitles.

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