Webster University in St. Louis

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Winifred Moore Auditorium View map $8 for the general public; $7 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools; $6 for Webster University staff and faculty; $0 for Webster students with proper ID

470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119

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(Arun Bhattarai and Dorottya Zurbó, 2024, Bhutan/Hungary, 94 minutes)

The calendar year of 2024 was kind to Bhutanese cinema in Missouri—the narrative film The Monk & the Gun played at Plaza Frontenac, our much-liked December booking Nocturnes took place at the border of India and Bhutan, and this, Agent of Happiness, ran at the True/False Film Festival in March, and we’re happy to now give it a regular run. Looking at Bhutan’s well-publicized government policy that measures Gross National Happiness, Agent of Happiness follows a few (for lack of a better word) census takers who poll residents on how happy and fulfilled they are as a means to quantifying and collecting measurable data on the subject. Invariably questions arise: Can we rate happiness on a scale of one to ten? Can it be measured in the first place? How in control of our own happiness are we? In what ways can the government contribute to such things, and in what ways are they not able to? A non-spoiler is that many people maybe aren’t as happy as they initially seem, but Agent of Happiness is a pleasant movie that may just raise your own happiness ranking some infinitesimal amount.

In Nepali, Dzongkha, and English with English subtitles.

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  • Terragan Brouk
  • Hiba Syed

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