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A Bigger Splash
This documentary feature shows David Hockney's life in the 70s, at the earlier stages of his fame. It is an interesting film from the point of view of testimony to the artistic world in England in that time of academic and social "Strurm und Drang", even though it does not show the more violent sides of that rebellious era. There was much innovation and searching in the artistic world, too. David Hockney experimented a lot with photography, mostly Polaroids, to be able to take multiple shots of any given scene, and then to make a composite of all the features that seemed significant to him, and integrate the in the actual painting.
He also fed off of his emotional life to bleed into his art work especially when it comes to his relationship with Peter Schlesinger, who had a deep influence on his emotional state of mind for a long time after the break-up. In order to really understand who this artist is, one should study his later life, when he has settled emotionally and his mature artist nature came to full bearing. I personally admire David Hockney for his creative spirit and inquisitive method of researching how the human observation interacts with works of two dimensional art.
And on a side note, but only indirectly related: The announcement on Webster's website said: With q+a after the film and wine reception!
While there were only a hand full of people who showed up, there was no reception. But, on the bright side, we had a nice interaction with the few participants who did show up!
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Wednesday, July 10, 2019 3:44pm